Monday, September 3, 2012

Political Simulation (AKA a game)

I just wanted to note/remind my readers that I partake in a political simulation, or in other words, play a game, that is quite fun. 

This is a game that allows you to be an MP, and allows you to take it from there to wherever you want to go.

This game, Politics Canada, or, PolCan, as we call it, started in 2003, and we've been playing, off and on, ever since. In my time there I've been Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, 3rd party leader, Cabinet minister, backbencher, and even a game Administrator. Currently I'm the newly elected Leader of the Opposition.

One of the great things about this game is that you play a character. My character, W. John Jameson, is a solid fiscal conservative. I am not. This gives me the opportunity to find arguments to sell policies that I myself disagree with, but which I feel would win over parts of the electorate. It forces you to think outside the box!

Currently, there are only two parties open for players (due to lack of players). The NDP, currently in a majority government, and the Conservatives, currently the official opposition. The Liberals will open up when we get more players, and the Greens, when we get even more players. To make the game run more smoothly, the Bloc Quebecois has disbanded.

If you've ever wanted to be an MP but can't wait to be elected in real-life, try our political simulation!

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