Sunday, October 25, 2009



We got it all:

72 - Liberal - Dalton McGunity
25 - PC - Tim Hudak
10 - NDP - Andrea Horwath
0 - Green - Frank de Jong - New leader picked Nov 15 2009 (Mike Schreiner vs None of the Above)

67 - Liberal - Jean Charest
51 - Parti Quebecois - Pauline Marois
6 - Action Democratique - Gilles Taillon (Sylvie Roy, Leader in the Assembly)
1 - Quebec Solidarie - Amir Khadir
0 - Parti Vert - Guy Rainville

British Columbia
49 - Liberal - Gordon Campbell
35 - New Democrats - Carole James
1 - Independent - Vicki Huntington (Leans right)
0 - Green Party - Jane Sterk

70 - PC - Ed Stelmach
9 - Liberal - David Swann
2 - New Democrats - Brian Mason
1 - Wildrose Alliance - Danielle Smith
1 - Independent - Guy Boutilier (Leans right)

34 - New Democrats - Greg Selinger
19 - PC - Hugh McFadyen
2 - Liberal - John Gerrard
0 - Green - James Beddome
1 - Vacant - Concordia, leans NDP

38 - Saskatchewan Party - Brad Wall
20 - New Democrats - Dwain Lingenfelter
0 - Liberals - Ryan Bater
0 - Greens - Larissa Shasko

Nova Scotia
32 - New Democrats - Darryl Dexter
11 - Liberal - Stephen McNeil
9 - PC - Karen Casey (Interim) New leader picked 2010
0 - Greens - Ryan Watson

New Brunswick
33 - Liberal - Shawn Graham
22 - PC - David Alward
0 - New Democrats - Roger Duguay
0 - Greens - Jack MacDougall

Newfoundland and Labrador
42 - PC - Danny Williams
3 - Liberal - Yvonne Jones (Interim) New Leader picked 2009/2010
1 - New Democrats - Lorraine Micheal
2 - Vacant. Terra Nova (strong PC), date not yet set, and The Straits and White Bay North (Strong PC) October 27

Prince Edward Island
24 - Liberal - Robert Ghiz
3 - PC - Olive Craine (Interim) New leader picked 2010
0 - Green Party - Sharon Labchuck
0 - New Democrats - James Rodd

9 - Yukon Party - Dennis Fentie
5 - Liberal Party - Arthur Mitchell
2 - New Democrats -Elizabeth Hanson
2 - Independent - John Edzerza (Leans NDP) - Brad Cathers (Leans Yukon Party)

Sorry, no extra data today!

Something New


Wanted to give notice that I am going to create something new for everyone.

I am going to create a small table so that I can display riding by riding results easily, rather than having to copy it as in my other post showing all the votes.

The up side is that I can do all 308 ridings in a single image.
The down side is that margins of victory will not be clear.

After I create this I will attempt to update it to show the margin.

Sorry, no extra data today!