Sunday, October 25, 2009

Something New


Wanted to give notice that I am going to create something new for everyone.

I am going to create a small table so that I can display riding by riding results easily, rather than having to copy it as in my other post showing all the votes.

The up side is that I can do all 308 ridings in a single image.
The down side is that margins of victory will not be clear.

After I create this I will attempt to update it to show the margin.

Sorry, no extra data today!


Top Can said...

You said you used something called the Electomatic. Is that available online, or is it something exclusively accessible by you only? If it is the latter, I was wondering if you're willing to share it?

Unknown said...

It is exclusive.

It's also the only thing I've ever built that is exclusive.

And I only share it with people I know, if you want to get to know me, add me to your MSN messenger. I'm thenewteddy and then all the stuff about being at hotmail

Top Can said...

Actually, I don't use MSN, but I used Gchat more nowadays. If you have Gmail, I'll add you to my contact list.