Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Starting Point

So, where do we start? The answer is normally pretty simple; a transposition of the 2008 vote. The answer this time is a bit more complex. While that applies in most ridings, it does not in others. Dumont's old seat, for example, can not rightfully be considered a CAQ seat, and Legault's old seat, and that of the two other PQ MNAs that crossed the floor, should be considered CAQ seats. The same applies to Aussant and the ON. 

Thus, with those changes in mind, I present to you the "Starting Point" or "Base Results" of the 2008 election, transposed to 2012.

Also, a special thanks to Volkov, who is registered to contribute to this blog, and who runs his own at A special thanks to Volkov for creating the base for the map that I use. Especially since I used it myself on his blog without asking... And then, sorta, absconded with it without telling him >.<

Direct 2 Twitter

This post is mostly a test of my new direct to twitter thanks to  which should allow all my new posts here at RxR to appear automatically on my twitter feed!