Thursday, September 17, 2009



Liberal - 47.51% (+0.08%)
PC - 26.87% (+0.33%)
NDP - 18.35% (+2.61%)
Grn - 5.51% (-2.83%)
86 of 238 polls

Next update will come when all polls are in

Sorry, no extra data today!

Live Blogging (not really)


Currently in St.Pauls
Liberal - 48%
PC - 27%
NDP - 18%
Grn - 5%

Sorry, no extra data today!

Harper on the up and up (and up and up)


As news hits that the NDP may support the government though the fall, the polls say that the Tories are doing ever better. Our current projection is as follows

CPC - 133
Lib - 96
BQ - 47
NDP - 32

Sorry, no extra data today!