Saturday, February 20, 2010



In order to be more concise with my writing (and to enable me to quickly and shortly post updates to twitter – I am getting a new account) I am reducing my 3 letter acronyms for political parties down to a single letter. I am also standardizing the 3 letter ones. They will be as follows.

Federal, modern
C = Conservative
L = Liberal
N = New Democratic
B = Bloc
G = Green
C = Canadian Alliance
P = Progressive Conservative
R = Reform
S = Social Credit
R = Ralliment Creditites
F = Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation
C = Conservative
P = Progressives
U = United Farmers
R = Reconstruction
P = Patron of Industry

P = Parti Quebecois
L = Parti Liberal Quebec
A = Action Democratique Quebec
Q = Quebec Solidarie
V = Parti Vert (Greens)

E = Equality Party
N = Nouveau Parti Democratique
R = Ralliement Creditiste (or National)
N = Parti Nationale Popularie
U = Union Nationale
I = Rassemblement pour I’independence Nationale
B = Bloc Popularie

The remainder of the provinces are very similar to federal, with only the following things being of note.
A = Acadian Party (NB)
F = Family Coalition Party (ON)
C = Confederation of Regions (ON, NB)
M = Communist – under various names (MB)
B = Labour (NS, NB, MB)
A = Alberta Alliance (AB)
W = Wildrose Alliance (AB)
W = Western Canada Concept (AB, SK)
R = Representative Party (AB)
R = Reform Party (BC)
S = Saskatchewan Party (SK)
Y = Yukon Party (YK)
P = Liberal-Progressive Union (MB)
S = Socialist (BC, MB)
D = Social Democrats (MB)
R = Reform Liberals (NL)
U = United Newfoundland Party (NL)
B = Labrador Party (NL)
A = Coalition (AB)
P = Progressive Democratic Alliance (BC)
M = Marijuana Party (BC)

Sorry, no extra data today!

Quebec Polls

<-More below the fold!

New Leger polls are out showing provincial and federal polling data. I've combined this newest poll with the past two to get a better average. I have used the breakdown between Francophones and Non-Francophones

(P)PQ - 47
(L)PLQ - 31
(A)ADQ - 9
(Q)QS - 7
(V)PV - 4

B - 47
L - 20
C - 16
N - 16
G - 6

L - 73
P - 9
B - 6
A - 4
Q - 4

L - 43
C - 21
N - 18
B - 8
G - 6

More below the fold

I've done this so I can examine the difference between federal and provincial numbers.

Among Francophones you can see both the Bloc and PQ at 47%. These are, for a large part, the same voters. The Greens have 6% federally and 4% provincially, again, mostly the same voters. What is more interesting are the other parties.

The NDP takes 15%, while QS has only taken 7%, about half that. Meanwhile, the Tories have 16%, but the ADQ only has 9%, roughly 2/3rds of the vote. The provincial Liberals suck up these voters, taking 31% compared to the federal party at 20%.

Among non-Francophones, we see the PQ at 9% and the Bloc at 8%, while the Greens have 4% on both levels. These parties have the best relation between federal and provincial support levels. Both the ADQ and QS are tied at 4%, while the CPC and NDP have 21% and 18% respectively (this is within the margin of error) This translates to 1/5th support. Again, we see the PLQ sucking up the difference, taking an astounding 73% of non-francophones, while the federal party has only 43% support.

I will be keeping track of future polls to see if these support ratios stand.