Tuesday, October 20, 2009

By popular demand, Riding by riding

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What you see above you recognize, this is the standard posting we make, showing the province by province results. What you might not know is that with each and every projection, our system, the ElectoMatic, projects each and every riding. I've had a request to show some of these, so I decided to show them all. Below the fold is our current riding by riding projections, based on the most recent polling data, for all 308 ridings across the country.

(click on images to zoom in if needed)
(click on post title to expand post if "read more" button is not visible)

Tories take over 2 million from taxpayers


The Conservative Party has taken $2,602,581 from taxpayers this month.

But its no biggie the Liberals took $1,815,230

The NDP took $1,256,701, the Bloc $689,478, and the Greens $468,455.

More than that, they'll do it again in January!

Its the quarterly allowances each party gets every 4 months based on the number of votes they received in the last election. Here is the Elections Canada webpage on it

Sorry, no extra data today!